Packaged drinking water bottles are often reused beyond their intended purpose, leading to increased plastic waste and the potential risk of harmful bacteria when refilled with water from unhygienic sources. Truck drivers like Chandan Kumar, who previously relied on open water tanks, faced constant risk of infection, particularly during the monsoon season. However, since Suraksha Bandhan Season 5, when we distributed around 10,000 portable water filters to truckers across India, their access to clean, safe water has been significantly improved. *Gulf Superfleet Surakshabandhan season 5 & 6 milaakar #GulfOil #SurakshaBandhan #Season6 #SaafPaaniForTruckers #TogetherWeAreUnstoppable #GulfOil #SurakshaBandhan #Season6 #SaafPaaniForTruckers #TogetherWeAreUnstoppable